Tuesday, February 14, 2023

RESOLUTIONS –a waste of time??

Where do we stand with our resolutions as we have completed the second week in February? I am pretty sure almost all of us, just like me, had taken many new resolutions as we approached the new year 2023 with a lot of anticipation. But, are resolutions biblical? Or are they even useful or just a waste of time? There was a time in my life when I would feel down towards the end of the year thinking I had hardly done anything I had resolved to do at the start of the year. I am sure many of you can relate to me; but I have realized that it does not have to be that way. 

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” I have to agree. Having no plan or strategy sets us up for failure even before we start. What is it that you have resolved to do or achieve this year? Your goals could be physical, emotional or even spiritual like most of mine are.

Have you decided to work on your weight loss goal by spending more time in physical activity or cutting down portion sizes in each meal? Have you decided to cut down time unnecessarily spent on internet surfing or watching TV? Have you resolved to eat healthier by meal planning and cooking more food at home and cutting down junk food? Have you decided to work on your emotional health by learning to say no when you need to or to work on the anger issue you have been struggling with? Spiritually, some of you may have resolved to enhance your Bible reading experience by starting a Bible reading plan or by improving your tithing or giving habits this new year. Have you decided to spend more time in prayer and intercession or to volunteer one day a month at an organization? 

This last Sunday, I happened to talk to someone who was telling me about his weekend. In our conversation, he mentioned that he planned to spend the rest of his day home as he had to catch up on his Bible reading and had to read 2 books on that day. He told me that he had resolved this year to read the entire Bible in 66 days! He also mentioned that he was 1 day behind because on Saturday, he was out volunteering at an organization which works to introduce the gospel to kids. Guilt-stricken, as I was, I began to introspect my own life while driving back home. While I felt happy for this person, I felt ashamed of myself.

I once had a friend mention to me that she had given up on making resolutions for the New year because she was always failing which made her feel depressed. Why is it that we fail to achieve our goals or give up on our new year resolutions? We need to make sure that we set realistic goals. Also, we must be intentional about achieving our goals and work towards them. It cannot just be wishful thinking!

It helps to have strategic plans in place to achieve our goals. For example, a person who has resolved to lose weight cannot stay in bed for 2 extra hours and not devote time to physical exercise. Eating healthier meals involves cutting down on junk food and processed fats and sugar. Set daily, weekly and monthly goals to get to your target. Set a time at the end of a week or every two weeks to see how you are doing and how you could improve things. Our resolutions fail because we are not willing to make sacrifices necessary to reach them.

The real problem however, is within ourselves– within our hearts and minds. We find ourselves tripped by our own weaknesses and moral failures. Apostle Paul says in Romans 7:18 that “I have the desire to do good but I cannot carry it out.” We all aspire to be better people. We desire our future to be better than our past or at least the future of our children to be better than ours. The solution lies in turning to God. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength.” Recognize and acknowledge that your strength lies in Christ! Give your decisions, plans and resolutions and make sure they align with God’s will for your life. 

It is also important that we give ourselves grace in this journey called life. We are human beings with limitations of time and energy. Life is not straightforward all the time. Following through on simple commitments can become huge when bombarded with life’s uncertainties. In addition, the attacks of the evil one will challenge us at every turn. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

So, my friends, I challenge you to analyze where you stand with your resolutions. Spiritual resolutions do honor your creator, God. Depend on the Lord and the guidance of the Holy spirit to achieve your goals. Set realistic goals and be intentional in achieving them. Be prepared to make sacrifices. 


Time-out is a term most parents are super familiar with. It is defined as a method of discipline that involves removing a child from social ...